There is no legal obligation that a Lawyer must draft your Will. There are however strict guidelines for making and executing a Will. If these set out guidelines are not complied with then a Will may be deemed invalid by a Court.

A Will is one of the most significant legal document that you will ever prepare. It is then important to do it with professional legal advice.

MN Lawyers & Associates can assist you in the preparation of your Wills. A well prepared Will, would ensure your wishes are put into effect after your death.

We can also assist you to apply to the Supreme Court of NSW for Probate. The grant of probate will enable executors to distribute the deceased estate in accordance with the provisions of the will.

In the event that a Will is not available, we can assist you in applying for Letters of Administration to the Supreme Court of NSW. Once Letters of Administration is granted by the Court, the deceased estate will be distributed in accordance to a formula provided for under the New South Wales Legislation.